The saxophone is an absolutely iconic instrument and in every genre of music. You will find it in orchestral pieces, jazz, rock, blues, soul, pop and more. Once at a competent level, you certainly won’t find a shortage of bands to play with if this is your chosen instrument. Through our years of experience servicing saxophones, in terms of its keywork etc. we can certainly say that it’s quite a complicated object. The actual physical playing though isn’t that difficult, but as with all instruments it requires dedicated practice if you are to achieve your desired level of skill. What’s more they’re fairly maintenance free (suggested service periods are 12 to 18 months), except for the reeds, which are quite inexpensive and aren’t a deterrent in terms of general instrument maintenance.
Many students who enquire with us will say they have been inspired to play by a piece of music. If it’s a sax student, it’s likely to be one of the popular sax greats that has gripped them: Pink Panther, Baker Street, perhaps Born to run or Pink Floyd’s Money. As I said, however, you can pick any type of music and find a classic sax solo within it.
Students are free to choose either to do exams or follow their own musical journey. Either way, you will learn how to be expressive and creative on this wonderful instrument of diversity and improvisation.